Our names are Danni and Kris and we are small breeders based near Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire. Our dogs live at home with us and are first and foremost our family (believe me bath time is now a whole family affair). We love going swimming together and Theia, Khione and Tempest are brilliant swimmers! Talvi on the other hand absolutely hates water hahaha
We have been dog owners all our lives. We know the high and lows and love our dogs very much. We have been fostering, rescuing and helped a few Northern Inuit Dogs to find amazing forever homes. We have decided to start breeding Northern Inuits and White Swiss Shepherds as a hobby. We are very passionate about those two breeds and, in time, we have become experts on them that other people call on if they need our help.
All of our Northern Inuit puppies are coming home with a generous puppy package including DNA profiling via Embark and are raised using full puppy culture protocols. We provide support for life of your puppy and will always take our puppies back, should your circumstances change (no questions asked).
We would not breed unless we have a waiting list and we are always striving for our Northern Inuit and White Swiss Shepherd puppies to be healthy, happy and well balanced members of human and canine society. To improve the health of the Northern Inuit breed and it's genetic pool we will sometimes very carefully choose to outcross our Northern Inuit Dogs (those are always exciting times because we take so long to research every possibility and improve the breed). We always endeavour to have puppies during spring/summer time (if possible) as it has been partially proven that it improves puppies skeletal development. Our dogs are fully health tested (as it is required by UK Kennel Club and Northern Inuits International Unleashed) prior to breeding to ensure that the puppies have best start in life possible. We are also ensuring that the inbreeding of our puppies is kept below levels we can accept - please ask us for more details if you are interested in this subject.
If you are interested to put your name on our waiting list for one of our beloved Northern Inuit or White Swiss Shepherd puppies then please get in touch and we will send you more details. If you would like references from our current puppy owners then we are more than happy to provide you with details.
About us and our puppies

We are the first Northern Inuit Dog breeders who have been accredited and are registered with the UK Kennel Club under Assured Breeders scheme. We are also breeding White Swiss Shepherds under the same scheme. We are very proud of this accreditation and we are inspected by the UK Kennel Club officials very regularly to ensure we are meeting the standards set. We are following UK Kennel Club Assured Breeders code of Ethics. If you would like to know more about the UK Kennel Club Assured Breeders Scheme please click on the picture.
Our Kennel name is also registered with the UK Kennel Club.
Our Northern Inuit Puppies are also registered with the Northern Inuits International Unleashed and we are following their code of ethics. This breeding club is very much aligned with our values and breeding ethics and always strive for improvement and breeding Northern Inuit Dog for the future. Click on their logo to find our more.
Our puppies are raised following the full puppy culture protocols. We are the one of a very few Northern Inuit Dog and White Swiss Shepherd breeders who are following full Puppy Culture protocols. Puppy culture is a gold standard when it comes to raising puppies. We are very proud of raising our puppies using Jane Killion's methods and all our puppy owners (as a part of their puppy pack) are able to view the amazing full puppy culture films. Click on the picture to find out more.
Puppy culture protocols to help our Northern Inuit puppies and White Swiss Shepherd puppies with development and growing into happy, socialised members of the family. For us and our pack this is a way of life.