Wild Fire Reborn at Fireborn
aka Deimos
DOB: 30/10/2013
Weight: 40kg-45kg
Height: 68cm
BVA Hip socre: 8:9
BVA Elbow score: 0:0
Eyes: Clear
DM: Clear
OSD3: Clear
Breed: Northern Inuit Dog
DNA profiled - Embark
He is standing at stud at Fireborn Northern Inuits. Please contact us for more details if you are interested in our special boy. Only frozen breeding units are available.

- He made us laugh every day with his antics
- Clown of the pack, full of energy and happiness and loved to play with other dogs and humans alike
- Very caring towards his humans and pack members
- Absolute mummy's boy who loved cuddles and belly scratching
- He had a fetish for dirty socks, stealing them, dipping them in the evening bath water and then running around the house splashing on everything in his way
- He was a very good swimmer who most of all enjoys water bombing for toys
Awards and training
He has passed his Kennel Club good citizen Gold award. He enjoys agility, scent classes and training.
Northern Inuit Puppy of the Year 2014
Northern Inuit Special Yearling of the Year 2015
Northern Inuit Reserve Stud dog of the Year 2017
Best in Show at Morpeth 2015 and Leeming Bar 2017
1st in Novice NI at Torwood 2016, Papplewick 2017 and Leeming Bar 2017
1st Graduate at Lemming Bar 2018, Papplewick 2018
Variety of 1st, 2nd and 3rd places at shows since 2014
Northern Inuit Stud dog of the Year 2018
Reserved Northern Inuit Dog of the Year 2018